Monday, May 12, 2008

Students: Rules and Conduct


Sec.1 Courtesy and Respect for Authority
The student should respect authority and should courteously and promptly obey all those vested with authority. He must be aware at all times that authority exercised by the officials of UIC comes from the powers and rights attached to the office they occupy.
1.1 In dealing with administrative officials and with faculty members, he should observe the usual norms of respect, politeness, and etiquette.
1.2 Cases of misunderstanding between students/faculty are to be brought immediately to the attention of the Associate Dean, and no student may resolve his difficulty by violence or by means that reveal lack of Christian charity or respect for authority and the rule of law.
1.3 The student should refrain from the use of words that are offensive, vulgar, indecent, or blasphemous, for such language is unbecoming of a UICian, a student of a Catholic School.
1.4 Students are expected to show respect to all visitors in the campus.
1.5 Student representatives of campus organizations and classes may request authorization from the OSAD through proper channels before organizing a social gathering. The authorization in writing is the only way by which recognition is given.

Sec.2 Breach of Peace
2.1 Any of the student or group of students who molest anyone, disturb or disrupt classes or meetings, or create noise, or in any way cause the serious breach of peace in the campus, will be sent out of the campus, and proper administrative sanction will be imposed on them.
2.2Students taking part in a demonstration resulting in violence, disturbance of classes or other legitimate school activities shall be administratively dealt with.
2.3 Students suspected of being under such the influence of liquor will be examined in the school clinic and asked to leave the school premises if found to be under such condition and proper administrative sanction will be imposed.
2.4Students involved in unauthorized demonstration/ rally inside the campus shall be subjected to disciplinary action.
2.5No student should stay inside a vacant classroom during class hours without permission from OSAD. Sanction shall be imposed for violators.

Sec.3 Orderliness and Cleanliness
3.1 It is the responsibility of a student to help the school and the campus clean and tidy. Littering and marking walls and furniture are prohibited. Violation of such acts will be imposed to disciplinary action.
3.2 Canteens must always be clean and tidy. Empty softdrinks bottles, food wrappers, plate�s spoons, forks, pieces of paper, etc. should be placed in their proper places and/ or receptacles.
3.3 For the convenience of the students along the corridors and the stairways of different school buildings during rush periods, simple and practical traffic regulations adopted in the school should be faithfully observed by ever student.

Sec.4 Inside the Classroom
4.1 All the classes begin and end with a prayer. The first bell signals the end of the period. The second bell starts the next period.
4.2 Students must be prompt. If the instructor is late for fifteen (15) minutes, the class is considered dismissed. In cases where the instructor sends word to wait, then the students must wait.
4.3 No students shall be called out of class except by official � call slip� which is properly signed by either the President, Dean of College, OSAD, Associate Dean, or Guidance Counselor.
4.4 Writing or carving on desks, preparing lessons for the next subject while a class is going on, littering on the floor, smoking, and eating in class, are prohibited. These are subject to disciplinary action.
4.5 Both the instructor and the student reach out to one another with courtesy and respect.
4.6 Chairs should be arranged properly before and after classes. Electric fans and lights should be put off before leaving the classroom.
4.7 The student must ask permission to leave the classroom for personal necessity.
4.8 Cell phones, beepers, and pagers should be switched off or put into silent mode inside the classrooms/ conference halls, and libraries. Designated areas for the use of the above are as follows:
4.9 Unauthorized use of chalkboard shall be subjected to disciplinary action.

Sec.5 In the Corridors/ Lobby/ Passage/ Study Hall
- Saying in the corridors during class hours during examination days is not allowed
- Loud talking, noisy and boisterous laughter while passing or going to the next class are prohibited.
- Proper decorum should always be observed especially while waiting for the next class.
- Study hall shall be used for study and silence shall be observed.

Sec.6 Handling of Facilities / Properties
School facilities such as chairs, tables, electric fans, lights, etc. should be used by the students with utmost care. In case of deficiencies of facilities in the classroom, such as needed repairs, lack of chairs, defects in lighting or water system, non-official tables and other fixtures, students and the faculty members should inform immediately the Head of Maintenance through the office of the Vice President on Administration.

Sec.7 Notices, Posters, Announcements, Flyers, Advertisements, Issues, and Streamers
All posters, notices, announcements, flyers, advertisements, issues and streamers should first be approved by the Office of Student Affairs and Discipline before they can be posted or written in designated areas within the school premises. The removal of the notices and posters must be done by the sponsoring group a day after the activity.

Sec.8 Proper Channeling
8. 1 For non-academic problem
: to the OSAD in consultation with the Association Dean
8.2 For problems with faculty
: to the faculty concerned and / or Association Dean
8.3 Academic Problems
: to the Association Dean and/or the Dean of College
8.4 Other Problems
: to the Guidance Counselor /Campus Ministry,Coordinator of the particular office


Sec.1 The UIC Student
A student is always identified with the school. The UIC student, therefore, has the responsibility to project a good image of the University of the Immaculate Conception of which he is an essential part.

Sec.2 Authorized Representation
2.1 The student has the responsibility, when acting as a representative of the University, to abide by written instructions of the president.
2.2No student may participate as a representative of any campus organization in an Outside activity without being authorized in writing by the Head of Student Affair and Associate Dean and the approval of the Dean of College.
2.3Students, may release to the press college student�s activities upon endorsement of the Office of Student Affairs and Discipline and upon the approval of the Dean of College after consulting the Vice �President for Academics or the President.
2.4 No student may use the name of the school for advertisement or for solicitation purposes without proper authorization in writing from the Head of Student Affairs.

Sec.3 Patriotism and Civic Duties
3.1 A student manifests his patriotism by participating in civic activities such as parades, rallies, mass meetings, civic programs and the like. The University encourages students to participate in the those activities which it organizes or approves. A student who takes part in any other activity may do so in his personal capacity. He may exercise his right as a citizen of the country in off-campus activities without impairing his standing in the institution.
3.2 The student is encouraged to perform his civic duties by cooperating with the local government officials in the implementation of such policies that are directed towards the development of the community.

Sec.4 Public Religious Functions
The student should manifest his faith by participating in processions, public devotions, and other public religious functions sponsored by the parishes or by their respective denominations.

Sec.5 Conduct in Public Places
5.1 At all times and outside the campus of the University of the Immaculate Conception, a UICian is expected to be morally upright, courteous, and respectful to other students, teachers, administrators, and employees of the University. Any violation of this section may serve as a valid ground for dismissal from the University.
5.2 No student is allowed to participate in any public performance and /or contests (beauty contests, ramp modeling, ect.)male or female, involving indecent body exposure. A student discovered participating in these activities outside the campus may be dismissed from the University.

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